6 Quotes & Sayings By Zander Sherman

After graduating from the University of Southern California, Zander Sherman began his career in television in Los Angeles. In 2002, he was chosen to host a new television show on the History Channel called "The American West." Since then, he has been able to combine his love of history with his passion for writing. His autobiographical book, "In Pursuit of Liberty," is a collection of essays and articles about the American Revolution and is a must-read for anyone interested in the causes and events that led to America's independence.

Curiosity is the great motivator of an education. It’s the...
Curiosity is the great motivator of an education. It’s the how of learning: how we go from not knowing something to knowing it inside and out. Zander Sherman
Like taking a breath, learning was the simple and extraordinary result of being alive. Zander Sherman
Consider, for a moment, how profound is an education: every human-made object in the world is the result of one. Every car, computer, particle accelerator, thatched hut, hairstyle, soufflé, piano concerto. These are the products not only of the skilled hands and nimble minds of their creators, but the result of whole traditions and systems of education. Change education, and you change the world. . Zander Sherman
We love to learn because learning feels good. It both satisfies and stimulates curiosity. Reading a good book, having a meaningful conversation, listening to great music–just doing these things make us happy. They have no extrinsic purpose. To give them one takes away from their joy. Zander Sherman
In the twenty-first century, we use a nineteenth-century school model with twentieth-century values. There’s clearly something wrong with this picture. Zander Sherman